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India finally makes even downloading, privately watching child pornography a criminal offence under P.O.S.C.O. and I.T. acts.

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The earlier judgment (of the Madras High Court) had said that the downloading of child pornography and private viewing of child pornography is exempt from criminal liability under Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences Act.
The earlier judgment by the Madras High Court had also said😢 that downloading such material was not an offence under the Section 67B of the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000.

🙇🏻thankfully🛐 today (Monday, September 23, 2024) in a judgment, authored by Justice J.B. Pardiwala, the supreme court has overturned that ridiculousness.🥹

This one seems like a personal victory of sorts, as MANY of us (across the country and across the world) have regularly been making efforts to stop such heinous crimes.
Unfortunately sometimes we have to infiltrate such groups, forums where CP is regularly circulated. It is too overwhelming.😭,

It was a three judge bench of the supreme court which gave today's judgment.
And even Shri Dhananjaya Chandrachud (Chief Justice of India) said that it is a groundbreaking judgement.👌🏼

The judgment has also instructed urged the legislature (parliament) to amend the Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences Act
such.. that the term Child Sexually Exploitative Abuse Material (CSEAM) replaces the term 'child pornography'.. will already directing all the lower courts across India to complete refrain from using the term 'child pornography' in ANY judicial order/s.
It us to be referred as Child Sexually Exploitative Abuse Material.

We are keeping our fingers crossed. Hope no new antics come up or anything to dilute the judgment.

We all are SO happy though, that it is now COMPLETELY illegal to hold or transmit ANY Child Sexually Exploitative Abuse Material.
Hope similar strict laws and judgements come to regulate the use/abuse of children in reality shows, film-making, dramas/serials.

@xuseronline, @papa_kancha, @login33, @glp, @saiterikripa, @repost, @cybertechie, @nachoo_nk, @trickytimer, @vrushali.s, @badkarma, @bikidas2060, @guest_999, @panchabhut, @longlivesonusood, @getready, @saucap, @socrates, @alpha.barood, @jairaj.
Top Comments
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Soft porn otts like ullu are more cancerous.  Ban them too

6 Dimers
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Now government must enforce it strictly.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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now the question is how? in this tech world

VU+ for awareness of this news and judgement

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Soft porn otts like ullu are more cancerous.  Ban them too

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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The same government whose party officials probably have loads of it in their devices & similar other deeds which aren't even secret. 

Crowdpuller Crowdpuller
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Good movement, these things should have strict punishment law. 

BTW, why these dimers are tagged at the end of the post? Are they involved in these??😅

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