BAJAJ App offers - Not getting Bajaj coins for recharge and send money offers [though i am getting all the notfications of the offer]


I have two accounts on my phone ..

2-3:March : primary account

Recharge offer, send money offer - YES-getting bajaj-coins for all offers.

2-3:March : Secondary account [though i am getting all the notifications of the offers]

Recharge offer, send money offer(get 120-130 coins on 5 send money, etc) - NOT-getting bajaj-coins for all offers.

NOTE: Both the sim cards are in the same phone.

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Freebie Finder Freebie Finder
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I have also same problem for not getting any coin this month txn.

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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Maybe same device ID issue...

Benevolent Benevolent
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Yes. I had experienced the same last year and had uninstalled the secondary account from all my devices.

Post Mogul Post Mogul
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I am also facing this issue since this month.. 1 account on different phone is getting coins .. while other account with different phone is not getting coins.. I have raise the ticket also. However it’s in progress since last four days.

Comrade Comrade
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Please.. inform here if you cc is  able to solve the issue.

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