An apology for a Diagnostic laboratory
On April 6, 2023, I signed up for a Full Body Check up with PharmEasy.
Their collection agents came in the morning to my residence to draw blood samples. The package included Urine analysis. No urine sample was collected or submitted that day.
On the same day, I received the blood reports online and as an added bonus, I received the urine analysis as well.
I was flabbergasted at their generosity in providing me with a urine analysis. This is all the more amazing and astounding when no urine sample was collected or submitted.
It remains a matter of conjecture as to whose urine was passed off as mine.
It is evident that the labelling of blood and urine samples is haphazard.
A possible explanation is that the Lab technician realised that the Full Body package included blood and urine samples and took the collection agent to task who in a tizzy provided his own urine sample.
Another explanation can be some other urine sample from their stock was analysed and passed off as mine.
I shudder to think what if they had passed of the urine of a pregnant woman as mine.
The body of their report proudly touts :
1. 6 step quality control to
ensure 100 % report accuracy.
2. Report verified by doctor.
The question arises how could such a bungling blunder remain undetected during six consecutive steps?
Can the credibility of the doctor who verified the report be relied upon?
The reports submitted by PharmEasy are eyewash and not worth the paper they are printed on.
In the greater public interest, PharmEasy's licence to operate a Diagnostic laboratory needs to be cancelled.
The verifying doctor should be taken to task for affixing his signature on a document without verification
Sushil K Nopany
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if urine report is fake then how can we trust the blood report? it might also be fake. just collection of sample and printing some random numbers on the paper sheet.
Last time I booked a similar test from Pharmeasy for a family member, the patient was not willing to pee at that time, the Phlebotomist openly asked me to give my urine sample instead and check my reports under other patient's name. I was surprised to hear such flexibility in a healthcare oriented company.