Airport & lounge queries

Deal Subedar
1. What should a first time flier(domestic) know and follow before take off? Please give a detailed answer.

2. Is the ticket(MAA to BLR) and a govt id( enough?

3. Are voter's id or pan accepted id's?

4. Where are the lounges in the airport? After the security checks near the gate or somewhere else?

5. How long before can you get into a lounge?

6. When should you leave the lounge for departure? And go to the gate?

7. Can you get into lounge with your friend's card? Rupay platinum? Or a family member's card who is not there?

Your help will be much appreciated.

EDIT: also can you access lounge on arrival at your destination?
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Reach the airport sufficiently early, Say -2 hrs STD

Airport queues can be pretty long in peak hours.

Take a note of restricted articles in both check in

and cabin baggage

For check-in baggage keep all electronics/laptops ,cables etc at a separate compartment as security staff will ask

to keep them separately for security check

Find the boarding gate and be near the gate at the boarding time mentioned on boarding card

If any change in gate no: later do find them in display boards or follow fellow pax.

2. Sufficient

3.should be OK (reliable identity proof) - Aadhaar ,Driving license, govt id cards are used by most pax

4. Before the boarding gate after the security check mostly.

5. 3 hours

6. At the boarding time printed on the boarding card - much earlier than gate closure time

(gate closes 30-40 mins before departure). Do consider distance from lounge to gate

7. Normally lounge access only if the card belongs/identical to pax name

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Thank you. If you are only Carrying a backpack, do you still have check in with the airline?

What about web check in?

Someone said powerbanks are not allowed if you do self check-in. Is that true?

Thank you in advance.
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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1. What should a first time flier(domestic) know and follow before take off? Please give a detailed answer.

The answers for the subsequent questions and more will answer this question hopefully! If not, feel free to ask!

2. Is the ticket(MAA to BLR) and a govt id enough?

Yes, the ticket and a govt id is enough.

3. Are voter's id or pan accepted id's?
I used my tattered voter's id. It was enough. Take another id with you just in case.

4. Where are the lounges in the airport? After the security checks near the gate or somewhere else?

Lounges were located after the security checks near to some gates.

5. How long before can you get into a lounge?

The receptionist at the lounge only allowed us 3 hours before departure time. No exceptions.

Basically you will be able stay in the lounge for 1 hour or few minutes more.

6. When should you leave the lounge for departure? And go to the gate?

Considering distance between your gate and the lounge. Gate will be closed 45 minutes before your departure time.

So be prepared to arrive at the gate atleast 1 hour before take off.

7. Can you get into lounge with your friend's card? Rupay platinum? Or a family member's card who is not there?
I was anxious since my friends didn't have any in their name and had to use mine.

But luckily they just swiped the card and asked to input pin.

Rupay platinum is working for access at 2rs.

So any card would be allowed.(I think the lounges would become lenient with entry on other people's cards.

Since banks have restricted access, lounges seems little less busy.)

Hopefully that answers your questions! Feel free to ask! 
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That's cool, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have a question, did you try accessing the lounge in blr? Did the same card work again?
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