A piece of thought on Indian people's mindset regarding politics

Tech Guru

Politics is translated to most of the Indian origin languages as “Rajniti”. Raj means ruler, niti means a set of rules. Set of rules required to follow by Rullers is Rajniti aka politics. There is another word diplomacy aka kutniti. Kutniti is used among kingdoms to keep peace amongst them while protecting individual interests. -Why-When I hear people say they hate politics and diplomacy, I feel like shit. Here people are rulers, here people are the kings, minority rights are protected because we are not only a democratic country but also a republic. And here people hate politics. That’s edit why we keep on selecting bad leaders for ourselves. BJP, Congress all started with noble goals. But people got complacent. They didn’t want to grow up n ended up breeding like rabbits. This should stop. No more playing sheep, edit should be allowed.
Edit: If you don’t get involved, then someone else will. That someone will make you dance like a puppet. Then please, don’t cry complaining about fascism etc.

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Good thoughts…Keep it up Biki! smile

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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Its true but recently things gotten worst!
Please read this whole article https://www.telegraphindia.com/amp/india/what-s...
and it shows just how weird and scary the whole thing is! including even supreme court is now dancing to only one party so openly!
Even my mom forbade me to talk about politics or fight trolls (actually more like gundas) from a certain thug party on internet. She fears for my life.
A funny but dangerous real situation that happened in a village in Assam I would like to share – A couple had a bitter break up and the girl had the boy’s facebook password so she login and wrote “Pakistan zindabad” as her plan for revenge.
Sure enough, a group of hyper patriotic unemployed ypuths actually managed to find the ill fated guy’s location and trashed him up and handed to police! Poor guy had no idea what was up and after police verified the truth, the guy was kicked out from police station and the girl was left off with just a warning!
Had that poor boyfriend been in UP/Rajasthan, he would have been dead for sure.
This is why mobocracy should be illegal and stopped them from murdering random ppl based on lies 99.999% of the time!

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