After not ordering for how long period, you get such offers? When was you last ordered from this account?
After not ordering for how long period, you get such offers? When was you last ordered from this account?
April 2023
Got vu +
Don't take even they give in zero rupees. Customer care care always favor of seller don't listen customer
My last order was Sep 23 but still didn't get.
😄Got it
Took such offers n never ordered from Zomato past 1 year🤣🕳️
If there is group of people one wants to order for then its fine otherwise i realised local accessible food alternatives are way cheaper than zomato prices or online restros. Even after having zomato pro or gold whatever its called now a days, i havent ordered for a long time.
Don't take even they give in zero rupees. Customer care care always favor of seller don't listen customer