SeMi AuToMaTiC FoLdInG 9L SmAlL MiNi WaShInG MaChInE WiTh DrYeR DeEp CLeAnInG FoR UnDeRwEaR WaShINg MaChInE (AW1)
- 1-FoLdAbLe DeSiGn:-FoLdEd SiZe 12.6 x 12.3 x 12.3in, SmAlL LiGhT, EaSy To CaRrY AnD StOrE. CaN Be EaSiLy PuT SuItCaSe oR BaCkPaCk, AnD It CaN Be EaSiLy WaShEd WhIlE TrAvElInG.
- 2-NeWeSt DeSiN:-NeW OnE PiEcE RuBbEr MoLdInG, EaSy LeAk.
- 3-EaSy To UseE:-OneE BuTtOn CoNtRoL ThE WaShInG MaChInE, EaSy To UsE, ToUcH ThE BuTtOn TwO SeCoNdS To StArT ThE WaShInG MaChInE.It CaN AlSo Be UsEd To ClEaN FrUiT.ThE SmArT ToUcH ScReEn DeSiGn AlLoWs YoU To FrEeLy ChOoSe ThE TiMe YoU WaNt, AnD ThE OpErAtIoN Is SiMpLe AnD CoNvEnIeNt FoR ThE ElDerLy AnD ChIlDrEn
- 4-PoRtAbLe UlTrAsOnIc WaShInG MaChInE:-UlTrAsOnIc FoRwArD ReVeRsE PuLsAtO, BiOnIc HaNd WaShInG, No DaMaGe To ClOtHeS, TwO WaY PoWeR To EaSiLy ReMoVe StAiNs, SuItAbLe FoR BaBy ClOtHeS AnD UnDeRwEaR.
- 5-WiDeLy UsE:-ThIs MiNi WaShInG MaChInE MaDe Of EnViRoNmEnTaLlY FrIeNdLy AbS AnD TpR MaTeRiAlS.CaN CaRrY 11l WaTeR ClOtHiNg WeIgHt.EfFeCtIvElY ReMoVe DiRt,AnD MaKe YoUr ClOtHeS ClEaN.ThE WaShInG MaChInE Is EsPeCiAlLy GoOd FoR WaShInG BaBy ClOtHeS, UnDeRwEaR, ToWeLs, SoCkS, ToYs Or OtHeR SmAlL ItEmS.
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it was just copied from Amazon the op has not done it intentionally 😁🤣😂
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All 5star reviews are fake
2months back I got a whatsApp message for part time home based work. On contacting them they explained me the work. The lady explained me that i have to create account on shopping websites and make cod shopping. the delivery address and product link will be given by them. Once the product is delivered I will have to give 5star rating along with the review wordings in the provided by them. I will have to do no payment of the product and also no payment for joining the job was required. The payment for each review will be between rs 100 to 500 depending on the product and shopping website.
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The retailers are really getting good. The product is just in amazon for 6-13 days. But have 138 reviews with 4.9 stars. What's the benefit of using these capital and lowercase characters in product and its description?