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What is the Offer?Final Price ₹199
What are the Offer Benefits?Final Price ₹199
What is the offer duration?17th Jan to 22nd jan
What are the eligibility conditions?Final Price ₹199
How do I avail the offer?Final Price ₹199
Other Terms and conditions* This offer is valid until stocks last or till the offer ends.
* Final Price is inclusive of the offer.
* Offer is applicable on select products and brands.
In the event the user returns any/all products in the order placed during the Offer Period, thereby not maintaining the minimum purchase value, as required to avail the Offer,
he/she shall not be eligible for the Offer. Accordingly, the amount availed as a discount under the Offer shall stand deducted from any refund(s) processed for the returned
tags: Rakeshmg, lalitsheoran
Thanks, did not receive instructions email tho, anyone received?
How to get refund ??
No returns allowed
if we won't buy anything then it will be refunded as Flipkart gv, right?
The pass is non-cancellable & non-refundable, in case you do not buy the Samsung Galaxy Unpacked on launch you will receive Flipkart Gift Voucher worth Rs 1,999 😶
You pay 199 and 1999 in back if not used the pass?
It is LOOT if it is true.
3 days back bought at ₹899
Bought in 99 using 100 supercoins, let's see what happens now
BTW planning to buy S25 Ultra
How to use super coin ?
Allowijg to buy second time, any use. Previously bought for 499
worth to buy @simbha3 ?