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- What is the offer?
- Get 50% Cashback up to ₹150 + Exciting discounts on 1 order every day from Domino’s only on PhonePe Switch. No code required
- Minimum Order Value ₹99
- What is the offer duration?
- From 19:00 hrs 23rd October 2019 to 23:59 hrs 31st October 2019
- What is the eligibility criteria?
- This offer will be applicable on order made on Dominos offering available under PhonePe Switch
- Payment to be made through the Wallet, UPI, Debit Card or Credit Card.
- For users paying through BHIM UPI, cashback is valid on transactions initiated and completed on PhonePe using a PhonePe linked bank account
- How many times this offer can be availed?
- Offer is valid on nine orders (once per day, per user, per device) placed during the offer period
- How do I avail the offer?
- On your PhonePe app, click on PhonePe Switch icon and select Domino’s under Food
- Choose your city and select the location
- Select Pizza from the menu
- Click on cart to check out and select the address for food delivery
- Pick the payment option to confirm the order
- Note: in case you hold a wallet balance, it will be automatically used for paying. Please uncheck the checkbox to not use the wallet amount
- Click on pay to complete the transaction.
- When do I get the cashback?
- Cashback will be credited as PhonePe gift voucher balance within 24 hours of successful completion of the transaction.
- What happens if I am eligible for more than one offer?
- If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer giving you the maximum Cashback is automatically picked up for you.
- What happens in case of refund/cancellation of my order?
- In case of any cancellations, the cashback given on the transaction will continue to remain as gift voucher balance and non-withdrawable to your bank account. This can continue to be used on PhonePe (recharges, bill payments, etc.)
- Refunded amount less of cashback will be credited back to the source of funds used while making payment
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- Food Delivery
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@avgn offer gone? Showing only Rs 100
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Nice +VU