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What is the offer?
- Send ₹71 to another PhonePe user, and 7,100 lucky winners will get ₹71 cashback
What is the eligibility criteria?
- Offer is eligible only for money transfers done using UPI
- Amount of the money transfer must be ₹71
- Money transfer must be to a PhonePe user (user registered on PhonePe with their bank account linked, or to a PhonePe UPI ID)
- Offer is not eligible for money transfers made to a non-PhonePe UPI ID
- Money transfer must be initiated and completed on the PhonePe app using a PhonePe linked bank account and not with any other UPI enabled application
What is the offer duration?
- Offer is valid from midnight, 12th August 2018 and is valid till 11:59:59 PM, 15th August 2018
How many times this offer can be availed?
- This offer can be availed once per user/bank account number/mobile number/mobile device
How do I avail the offer?
- On your PhonePe app, click on To Contact or To Account
- Select the contact to whom you want to transfer or the bank account to which you need to make the transfer to
- Enter the amount you wish to transfer ( ₹71)
- Click on pay to complete the transaction.
- The offer is valid only once per Bank Account and only once per PhonePe registered customer
When do I get the cashback / benefit?
- Prizes to lucky winners will be credited as PhonePe gift voucher balance or to the user’s bank account within 5 working days of the end of the offer period
- Lucky winners may be required to furnish bank details and necessary documents to a PhonePe representative in order to comply with taxation laws of India
- Prize amount will be credited to a bank account of a user only after the user has furnished the required details and documents
- Offer not applicable in the state of Tamil Nadu
What happens if I am eligible for more than one offer?
- If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer giving you the maximum Cashback is automatically picked up for you.
What other conditions apply on the cashback amount?
- Cashback gift voucher can be used for recharges, bill payments and payments on PhonePe partner platforms/stores.
- Cashback gift voucher cannot be withdrawn to any linked bank account or transferred to other customers.
- Cashback gift voucher will not be offered if payment is made through PhonePe wallet. In case of partial payments using wallet balance and BHIM UPI/Cards, only the amount paid using BHIM UPI will be considered for the offer.
Other Terms and Conditions:
- In case the PhonePe wallet limit for the month has been reached(₹10,000), the cashback will be credited on the first business day of the next month.
- Offer is applicable on both iOS and Android devices.
- Any cashback related queries should be raised within 30 days, post a successful transaction.
- Recipients must be using mobile devices different than the one used by the sender in order to receive the cashback
- PhonePe reserves the right to award offers and related benefits as per internal policy decided by PhonePe from time to time.
- PhonePe has the right to amend the terms & conditions, end the offer, or call back any or all of its offers without prior notice.
- In case of any dispute, Phonepe reserves the right to resolve the same as per the Terms & conditions of any offer at its sole discretion.
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What is the offer?
- Send ₹71 to another PhonePe user, and 7,100 lucky winners will get ₹71 cashback
What is the eligibility criteria?
- Offer is eligible only for money transfers done using UPI
- Amount of the money transfer must be ₹71
- Money transfer must be to a PhonePe user (user registered on PhonePe with their bank account linked, or to a PhonePe UPI ID)
- Offer is not eligible for money transfers made to a non-PhonePe UPI ID
- Money transfer must be initiated and completed on the PhonePe app using a PhonePe linked bank account and not with any other UPI enabled application
What is the offer duration?
- Offer is valid from midnight, 12th August 2018 and is valid till 11:59:59 PM, 15th August 2018
How many times this offer can be availed?
- This offer can be availed once per user/bank account number/mobile number/mobile device
How do I avail the offer?
- On your PhonePe app, click on To Contact or To Account
- Select the contact to whom you want to transfer or the bank account to which you need to make the transfer to
- Enter the amount you wish to transfer ( ₹71)
- Click on pay to complete the transaction.
- The offer is valid only once per Bank Account and only once per PhonePe registered customer
When do I get the cashback / benefit?
- Prizes to lucky winners will be credited as PhonePe gift voucher balance or to the user’s bank account within 5 working days of the end of the offer period
- Lucky winners may be required to furnish bank details and necessary documents to a PhonePe representative in order to comply with taxation laws of India
- Prize amount will be credited to a bank account of a user only after the user has furnished the required details and documents
- Offer not applicable in the state of Tamil Nadu
What happens if I am eligible for more than one offer?
- If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer giving you the maximum Cashback is automatically picked up for you.
What other conditions apply on the cashback amount?
- Cashback gift voucher can be used for recharges, bill payments and payments on PhonePe partner platforms/stores.
- Cashback gift voucher cannot be withdrawn to any linked bank account or transferred to other customers.
- Cashback gift voucher will not be offered if payment is made through PhonePe wallet. In case of partial payments using wallet balance and BHIM UPI/Cards, only the amount paid using BHIM UPI will be considered for the offer.
Other Terms and Conditions:
- In case the PhonePe wallet limit for the month has been reached(₹10,000), the cashback will be credited on the first business day of the next month.
- Offer is applicable on both iOS and Android devices.
- Any cashback related queries should be raised within 30 days, post a successful transaction.
- Recipients must be using mobile devices different than the one used by the sender in order to receive the cashback
- PhonePe reserves the right to award offers and related benefits as per internal policy decided by PhonePe from time to time.
- PhonePe has the right to amend the terms & conditions, end the offer, or call back any or all of its offers without prior notice.
- In case of any dispute, Phonepe reserves the right to resolve the same as per the Terms & conditions of any offer at its sole discretion.
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