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Phonepe 50% cashback on first ever water bill payments

Phonepe 50% cashback on first ever water bill payments

50% OFF 150.0


What is the offer?

50% cashback if the transaction is a customer’s first ever Water Bill Payment on PhonePe

Maximum Cashback customer can get is ₹75/-

What is the eligibility criteria?

Customer will get the offer on their first ever Water Bill Payment on PhonePe

No Minimum Transaction Amount

Offer valid only if the recharge is paid through 
- UPI or
- Credit or Debit Card

What is the offer duration?

00:00 hrs on 10th March 2018 to 23:59 hrs on 31st March 30th April 2018

How many times can this offer can be availed?

Offer can be availed only once per user on first ever Water Bill Payment.

How do I avail the offer?

On your PhonePe app

Click on Water Icon within “Recharge & Pay Bills” section of the app

Select Water Provider you wish to pay

Enter the “Consumer Number” or “K Number” or “eMitra CID Code” of the Water provider

Enter the amount to be paid

Pick the payment option for the same

Note: in case you hold a wallet balance, it will be automatically used for paying. Please uncheck the checkbox to not use the wallet amount

Click on PAY BILL to complete the transaction.

The offer is valid only once per Bank Account, Credit Card and Debit Card and only once per PhonePe registered customer

When do I get the cashback / benefit?

Cashback will be triggered to you within 24 hours of the transaction on which the offer is applicable

What happens if I am eligible for more than one offer?

If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer giving you the maximum Cashback is automatically picked up for you

What happens in case of refund/cancellation of my Transaction?

Once billpay is Processed , it cannot be cancelled or returned.

In case of any cancellations, the cashback given on the transaction will continue to remain in your wallet and non-withdrawable to your bank account. This can continue to be used on PhonePe (recharges, bill payments, etc.)

Refunded amount less of cashback will be credited to the PhonePe wallet and will continue to be withdrawable to your bank account.

Other Terms and Conditions:

Offer is applicable on IOS and Android devices

Cashback will be calculated on non-wallet amount only

Cashback can be used for recharges, bill payments, merchant transactions across PhonePe

Cashback credited to a user cannot be withdrawn to any linked bank account or transferred to other users.

The transaction must be initiated and completed by the user within the PhonePe app

PhonePe has the right to amend the terms & conditions, end the offer, or call back any or all of its offers without prior notice.

In case of dispute, PhonePe reserves the right to take the final decision on the interpretation of these terms & conditions.

In case the PhonePe wallet limit for the month has been reached(₹10000), the cashback will be credited on the first business day of the next month.


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