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(Mrp error) VLCC Papaya Fruit Facial Kit 60 g (Set of 6) @134/- Mrp 250/-

(Mrp error) VLCC Papaya Fruit Facial Kit 60 g (Set of 6) @134/- Mrp 250/-

Deal Colonel

VLCC Papaya Fruit Facial Kit 60 g


8 Dimers
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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They will sure send 1 only

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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VU Bro https://cdn3.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_lol.gif

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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It is 6 step or 6 pack facial kit

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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In Email Getting only 1 Qty as Confirmation.
Cancelled it

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Set of 6 means 6 different pouch in the box not 6 separate boxes

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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It is not regarding pack of 6 or set of 6,but the mrp of this is 250,instead in fk it is given 150,so op mentioned mrp error, vu, bought one

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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got at 119 and 64 rs cashback too

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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sorry 6rs

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