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shipping ?
Bro, check their prices on Amazon. There is a huge price difference even after adding Rs30 Shipping charges per product
If this item is not delivered..then will they compensate?
If they cancel then you will get the refund in the same form in which u pay. No additional amount will be paid by them as always.
Price changed
Cancellation continues as always 😠😠😠😠
Order approved by seller….
Any other dimers order got cancelled?
We’ve just been informed that La Firangi in your order OD211558113845118000 is unavailable with the seller. As there is no clear date when the Seller will have it back in stock, we understand any further delay wouldn’t be ideal. So we’ve gone ahead and cancelled the item.
All orders cancelled as always 😠😠😠
Thanks bro.
Bought some.