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Get flat 35% Off* + flat ₹75 Cashback* on Hotel Booking only on Apps on PhonePe + User will also get additional 50% OYO Money Cashback up to ₹1000
- What is the offer?
- Get flat 35% Off* + flat ₹75 Cashback* on Hotel Booking only on Apps on PhonePe. Use Promo Code: FLASH35
- Minimum booking amount should be ₹1000 to avail the cashback offer
- No Minimum booking amount required to avail the flat 35% discount
- User will also get additional 50% OYO Money Cashback up to ₹1000
- Valid for first 300 customers
- What is the offer duration?
- From 15:00 hrs 25th July 2019 to 19:00 hrs 26th July 2019
- What is the eligibility criteria?
- This offer will be applicable to hotel booking made on “OYO” offering available under “Apps” section on PhonePe app
- PhonePe cashback will be applicable to all the offers running for OYO on Apps on PhonePe. Applicable on one booking
- 50% OYO Money Cashback will be credited into your OYO wallet within 3 days of checkout
- Cashback will be applicable to discounted price
- Apply the promo code- FLASH35 on booking review screen to avail the discount. You can check the amount breakup on Review Booking screen before making the payment
- The voucher is valid for check-ins made till 28th July, 2019 only
- Booking made with this coupon cannot be modified
- The Offer is applicable on payment made through Wallet, UPI, Debit Card and Credit Card
- How many times this offer can be availed?
- Discount can be availed on one booking during the offer period
- PhonePe Cashback can be availed once (per user, per device) running for OYO on Apps on PhonePe
- How do I avail the offer?
- On your PhonePe app, click on “Apps” icon and select OYO
- Select your city and hotel
- Apply the Promo code: FLASH35 on the checkout page
- Pick the payment option to confirm the booking
- Note: in case you hold a wallet balance, it will be automatically used for paying. Please uncheck the checkbox to not use the wallet amount
- Click on pay to complete the transaction
- When do I get the cashback?
- Cashback will be credited as PhonePe gift voucher balance within 24 hours of successful completion of the transaction.
- What happens if I am eligible for more than one offer?
- If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer giving you the maximum Cashback is automatically picked up for you.
- What happens in case of refund/cancellation of my order?
- Cashback will be cancelled in case of full refund or cancellation of orders
- In partial refund cases, cashback will be rolled back in same proportionate amount
- Other Terms and Conditions:
- PhonePe Cashback Terms and Conditions:
- In case the PhonePe wallet limit for the month has been reached(₹10000), the cashback will be credited on the first business day of the next month.
- Offer is applicable on both iOS and Android devices.
- Any cashback related queries should be raised within 30 days, post a successful transaction.
- Cashback gift voucher can be used for recharges, bill payments and payments on PhonePe partner platforms/stores.
- The transaction must be initiated using a PhonePe linked bank account and completed by the user within the PhonePe app
- PhonePe reserves the right to award offers and related benefits as per internal policy decided by PhonePe from time to time.
- PhonePe has the right to amend the terms & conditions, end the offer, or call back any or all of its offers without prior notice.
- In case of any dispute, Phonepe reserves the right to resolve the same as per the Terms & conditions of any offer at its sole discretion.
- Discount Terms and Conditions:
- Any discount related queries should be raised within 30 days, post a successful transaction
- OYO is responsible for the disbursal of the offer. PhonePe does not assume responsibility/liability for this. For any discount related issues, please reach out to OYO customer support
- Cancellation charges will be applicable as per the OYO policy
- This Voucher cannot be combined with any other offer currently applicable on OYO website, Android app and iOS app
- All bookings are subject to availability
- All disputes relating to this promotion/offer or OYO booking are subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Delhi courts
- OYO reserves the right to discontinue the offer without any prior notice
- Groups
- PhonePe Wallet
- Citibank
- Bus Tickets
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4 hrs for flash sale 3-7 pm