Get assured 5000 cashback points on scan & pay any merchant QR vai Paytm UPI. activate first
Offer showing in all Paytm accounts.
First activate this offer.
First go to cashback section
Scroll down little
U will see Paytm app offers
Click on it
There u will this offer
Activate it.
Minimum transactions amount should be 50.
First activate this offer.
First go to cashback section
Scroll down little
U will see Paytm app offers
Click on it
There u will this offer
Activate it.
Minimum transactions amount should be 50.
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Freecharge Wallet
7 Dimers
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True. CheaTM has a hit or miss rewards model with a gazillion complex terms and conditions e.g. must climb Mount Everest on 1 leg and so on
Online Paytm merchant not counted so how to utilise this offer
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Ok guys,here is a catch
From now most scan n pay offers only counts when we pay by paying through scanner
Clicking on to mobile/contact and paying don't work
Not for me, Maybe offer can be user specific
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Good offer, but I feel dimers have lost interest in paytm