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Free Workshop - Journaling: Keeping a travel journal on 19th September at 4 p.m.

Free Workshop - Journaling: Keeping a travel journal on 19th September at 4 p.m.

  • 245
  • 1
Heart of Gold


What is Scrapbook Journaling? 🖌

-One of the more effective ways of self-care is also the cheapest – journaling. Research shows that journaling works to help both our feelings and our thoughts. First, it’s a way of disclosing emotions rather than stuffing them down, which is known to be harmful to our health. On the thinking level, writing forces us to organize our experiences into a sequence, giving us a chance to examine cause and effect and form a coherent story. As therapeutic as journaling is traveling. When we travel is when we often discover new things about ourselves. Maintaining a travel journal is like having a box of memories to revisit.

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