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Free 5 TB to 25 TB Storage in One Drive (Legal Method)

Free 5 TB to 25 TB Storage in One Drive (Legal Method)

100% OFF 6199.0
Deal Cadet

Subscription will auto renew after every 3 months, data will not get lost

Step 1: Go to this link and click the blue button saying “Join now”.

Step 2: Create your account as you would normally or use your personal Microsoft account, I’d suggest you use your real Infos, or not, do whatever you want.

Step 3: Select your country, give them a fake company name, accept conditions, whatever.

Step 4: They will ask you why you want to integrate the program, and say that you want to use this account for personal projects.

Step 5: They will ask you what apps you want to use, just put whatever you want, you will have access to everything still.

Step 6: Now they will ask you what sandbox you want, I’d suggest you take the Instant sandbox, but you won’t be able to customize the domain name. Just read and choose what you want.

Step 7: Now they will ask you to create an admin account and input your country, the name you want, and your password.

Step 8: Input your phone number, it will be used to send a verification code. (You will also have to use an authenticator to connect to the account.)

Step 9: Your account is created.

You will land on this page:



Step 10:Scroll down and enable OneDrive here, then click apply:



Step 11:

Go to office.com and connect with your given mail and the password you choose:


Step 12:

You can now download the office installer and everything like that.

Then go to one drive and connect again with the mail they gave you and your password. This way, you will activate your OneDrive.

You now have 1TB of storage on your account, so you will probably tell me, “You said we had access to 5TB of storage,” and you are right.

You have to do a few more manipulations now!

Step 13:

Go back to office.com and click on the Admin app right there:


Step 14: Now that you’re on the Admin page, click on “show everything”, then “Show all application centers,” and then go to the Sharepoint one:


Step 15:

You will then be redirected to the SharePoint page.

Now you have to go to the settings tab, select the “Onedrive - Storage Limit,” and put the max amount of storage:

Step 16:

Go back to the admin app page and go to users, active users, click the user you want to give 5TB (The user needs to have opened OneDrive at least once) and go to the OneDrive tab of the popup that appeared and click “Modify” under the Allowed stockage thing, then modify the thing and save:



Congrats! You are done, Enjoy everything now!

If you are out of space with this 5 TB, you can ask the support to upgrade to 25TB for free! :biggrin:

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Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Any one facing below error...

We can't continue with the signup process for the following reason:

Your phone number did not pass security checks.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I don't know where I did wrong, but just 5GB onedrive space given to me.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Same also got 5GB

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This guy is a time traveler for sure. His previous post was in 2019. He came 4 years ahead in 2023 just to post this one 🤔

Pro Coupon Hunter Pro Coupon Hunter
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And that too with lot of efforts in the post.


Posting in every loksabha election year sweat_smile

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Do no rely on this, accounts do get terminated and you will lose data.

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Microsoft is working on AI, it detects an unprecedented sudden surge of sign ups from India and starts blocking it. Why did you ruin your own benefits by sharing it? What did you get now? Shuukuun ? rolleyes

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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onedrive option is removed
Helpful Helpful
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There is a Option in sharepoint admin center settings for One drive Retention which says as below:


Specify the default retention period for a user's OneDrive when the user is deleted. Changing this setting also affects OneDrive accounts already within the retention period.

Days to retain a deleted user's OneDriveEnter a value from 30 through 3650 days.

If I change it from 30 to 3650 will it avoid my onedrive from getting deleted?

Pro Coupon Hunter Pro Coupon Hunter
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Interesting observation. It may work.

Blaze Blaze
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Bhai woh microsoft hai aaj nahi toh kal pakad lege yeh method ko

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Working by logging in of microsoft domain ,lets see it would be renewed or not

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