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Buy More, Save More Buy worth ₹249 save ₹50
Note :- Valid till 9th Jan(Tomorrow)
What is the Offer?
Flat ₹50 Off, On minimum order value of ₹249
What are the Offer Benefits?
Flat ₹50 Off, On minimum order value of ₹249
What is the offer duration?
8th Jan & 9th Jan 2025
What are the eligibility conditions?
Offer will not be Applicable on, Lifestyle, Fashion Wearables, Electronic Products, Gadgets, Mobiles, Infant Food, Gold and Silver Coins.
How do I avail the offer?
Offer can be applied on payment page.
Other Terms and conditions*
This offer is valid until stocks last or till the offer ends.
* Cancellation of individual items in the offer will cancel all other items this offer is applied on.
* Final Price is inclusive of the offer.
* Offer is applicable on select products and brands.
In the event the user returns any/all products in the order placed during the Offer Period, thereby not maintaining the minimum purchase value, as required to avail the Offer,
he/she shall not be eligible for the Offer. Accordingly, the amount availed as a discount under the Offer shall stand deducted from any refund(s) processed for the returned
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Not in Noida
Tough to utilise as most of products are available at MRP. Wonder why services went live at my location if they don't want to do business. Even those items of always 50% off 24*7 are at MRP. Flipkart Grocery is better with respect to prices. In quick commerce
All prices havebeen increased just for giving discount.
Flipkart grocery provides discounted prices when compared with flipkart minutes 😄
It is user specific. I have 75 off on order of 899
Vu and added to my group