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How to get this deal
- Click here to go to Amazon.in .
- Solve the clue and Get upto 50% off and bonus 50% off
- Apply coupon FQUEST50
- This offer is not valid on Amazon App for iPhone 4 & below, Windows phones & tablets
- This Promotion will be available 3th October, 2016 and ending 4th October, 2016 from 16:00:01 to 22:00:00, all three days inclusive (the “Promotion Period”).
- During each day of the Promotion Period, at an interval of every 1 hour commencing from 16:00:01 until 22:00:00p.m. of each day, a clue to a product listed by participating sellers on the App (such product hereinafter referred to as “Product”) will be displayed on the homepage of the App.
- To participate in this Promotion, a participant must: (a) identify the Product associated with a particular clue; and (b) visit the product detail page of such Product; during the 1 hour time period for which the clue for such Product is displayed on the App.
- All customers who solve the clue, identify the Product and visit the product detail page of the Product in accordance with the above Section 3 will be able to use the promotional code for this Promotion displayed on the App homepage to avail a discount on the Product. The promotional code can be used at checkout to get an additional flat 50% off, this is a limited period offer valid on the select set of products listed on the page found using Section 3 above.
- Standard shipping charges, applicable taxes, cash on delivery charges, payment and return policies available on the App shall apply to any purchase made by eligible participants under this Promotion.
- For the purposes of this Promotion, below is the list of participating sellers:
Cloudtail India
What’s new product name, apply code fashionq50 not fquest50.
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Brought a track suit , forte Collins for 793