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1. Use code DEAL80 and get 40% Off upto Rs.80 on orders above Rs.200
2. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer/coupon.
3. Coupon will not be applied at all if EDV, Combo or daily essentials are present in cart.
4. This offer is applicable only on orders via Domino’s App, website and Mobile site.
5. Offer not applicable on Sides and Pizza mania
6. Offer valid for specific users between 6pm – 10:30pm
7. Limited period Offer
1. Use code CHEESE60 and get 30% Off upto Rs.60 on orders above Rs.200
2. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer/coupon.
3. Coupon will not be applied at all if Every day value offer is present in cart.
4. This offer is applicable only on orders via Domino’s App, Website and Mobile site.
5. Offer is applicable on Min. Order value of 199
6. Offer is applicable everyday only from 10 AM to 10:30 PM.
7. Offer not applicable on Combos, Only Pizza mania orders and Only side orders
8. Limited period offer.
- Groups
- Pizza