Hello Dimers,
Biggest sale of the year is going to start soon.
We are hoping this sale will bring lots of deep discounts & huge price drops across multiple categories.
Hope you all are prepared with your Wishlist products, if not then this is the time to prepare one, because we are going to reward you for doing so.
Confused? Well
just share what you are planing to purchase / or already purchased (Product name)
and we will pick multiple winners who will be rewarded.
1 Winner will get Rs 5000 gift card
2 Winner will get Rs 2500 gift card each
5 Winner will get Rs 1000 gift card each
10 Winner will get Rs 500 gift card each
20 Winner will get Rs 250 gift card each
Total prizes worth Rs 25,000.
Wait we are not done yet.
If more than 2500 Dimers comment in this topic then we will double these prizes & winners. Total prizes worth Rs 50,000.
If more than 5000 Dimers comment in this topic then we will triple these prizes & winners. Total prizes worth Rs 75,000.
If more than 7500 Dimers comment in this topic then we will quadruple these prizes & winners. Total prizes worth Rs 1,00,000.
If more than 10000 Dimers comment in this topic then we will quintuple these prizes & winners. Total prizes worth Rs 1,25,000.
So if we reach 10,000 mark prizes will be
5 Winner will get Rs 5000 gift card
10 Winner will get Rs 2500 gift card each
25 Winner will get Rs 1000 gift card each
50 Winner will get Rs 500 gift card each
100 Winner will get Rs 250 gift card each
Total prizes worth Rs 1,25,000.
Hold on guys, we are still not done.
How bout 15,000 Dimers commenting in this thread? Since contest is going to continue till November we can achieve that mark right? Well In that case we will increase total prize money to Rs 2 lakhs.
& then total winners will be as follows
8 Winner will get Rs 5000 gift card
16 Winner will get Rs 2500 gift card each
40 Winner will get Rs 1000 gift card each
80 Winner will get Rs 500 gift card each
160 Winner will get Rs 250 gift card each
Total prizes worth Rs 2,00,000.
How’s that for a Diwali giveaway!
Contest Ends on 15th November 2021.
Terms n Conditions+
Only one entry/Dimer will be considered.
DesiDime reserves all rights to suspend users or take corrective actions in case of fraudulent actions.
If anyone found creating multiple accounts & participating then they will be disqualified from this contest.
DesiDime site rules and terms apply.
One plus 9r