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Dabur Honey Sundarbans - 500g | 100% Pure Wild Forest Honey

Dabur Honey Sundarbans - 500g | 100% Pure Wild Forest Honey

33% OFF 499.0


Dabur Sundarbans Forest Honey is 100% natural mangrove wild forest honey. Sourced directly from the honey collectors, also known as the Maulis of the Sundarbans, this unique honey has a very distinctive aroma and flavor from mangrove based nectar. It is a great source of natural pollen & enzyme content due to its multifloral origin collected from Sundari, Garan, Khalisa, Geoa and other mangrove flowers. It has unique phenolic compounds and flavonoids offering anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. For every bottle of Dabur Sundarbans Forest Honey that reaches your breakfast table, Dabur supports the livelihood of indigenous honey collectors!

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fake honey?

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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what do you mean by it, in the context of India?
(In China, they even make fake Tesla, BMW. So there.. fake things are a real risk.. i know.)
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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It is not unprocessed.

It is nicro-filtered.
and without reducing the viscosity, micro-fikteration cannot really happen.
(Yes, there are only too ways to do it. Either heat the liquid or add something like water to make it easy to nicro-filter and then heat to remove the excess moisture.]

If it is raw and unprocessed, then it should have a cautionary warning about possibility of 'pollen' in it.
(For those with certain allergies, consuming pollen can be fatal.)
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