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Crack Unacademy Emerge and Win Scholarships worth ₹5,00,00,000 (Aptitude test for Class 6-12)

Crack Unacademy Emerge and Win Scholarships worth ₹5,00,00,000 (Aptitude test for Class 6-12)

Heart of Gold


What’s the eligibility criteria for participating in Emerge?

Learners from Class 6 – 12 studying in schools affiliated with any State, Central or International Board in India can enroll for Unacademy Emerge.

What is the pattern of the tests in Unacademy Emerge?

Each Test will be grade specific for Class 6 – 12

- It will contain a total of 30 questions

- Questions will be a mix of Mental Ability, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning

- No Negative marking for incorrect answers

- 4 marks for every correct answer

- The medium of test would be English

Will I get an e-certificate on the completion of the test?

Yes. Anyone who completes the test Live will get an e-certificate for participation from Unacademy. Top 10 winners from each grade will get rank-wise certificates from Unacademy.

What are the prizes that I can win?

Top 50 winners from each grade (Class 6 – 12) can win exciting prizes like MacBook, iPad, One Plus, Unacademy merchandise, trophies, certificates and a lot more. Top 500 winners from each grade (Class 6 – 12) can win scholarships worth INR 5 crore. Please refer to T&C here

When will the results be announced?

Test results will be available immediately after you submit the test.

Will I be able to attempt the test only live or I can take it later as well?

You will be able to attempt the test later but you will be eligible for all the prizes and scholarships only if you take the test live.

How can I avail my scholarship and prizes?

The Unacademy Team will reach out to the winners individually for the prizes and scholarship.

What will happen in case of clashes in marks?

In case of clash in marks, Unacademy will give out ranks based on the time taken to attempt the test. The lower the time, the higher would be the rank.

What happens if a person is found to have cheated or engaged in unethical practices in the test?

After the results are announced, Unacademy will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if the learners have appeared for the test in an ethical and proper manner. If at any point in time, Unacademy discovers or it is brought to Unacademy’s notice that any learner has engaged in unethical practices then Unacademy shall have the right to cancel the scholarship of such a learner without providing notice in this regard.

What happens if I am late to the test?

We encourage you to begin the test on time. However, if you are not able to begin on time, you will need to finish the test within the allotted time left.

How can I attempt the test?

You can attempt the test on your desktop or mobile by signing in to the Unacademy website or learning app using your registered mobile number or email address. Please ensure that you have a good internet connection.

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