Amazon Flash Sale - Recharge & Bill payments 100% Cashback upto Rs.75 (Live at 3PM - 9PM) Selected Users
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Didn’t get in any account.
Only used 1 out of 4 accs in this month.
Check on amazon pay page towwards bottom
In just one acc out of 5..and haven’t others acc too this month
I bought a jiophone just an hour ago. The shop gave it for Rs 699 + 125 ( new sim with 1 month pack).
Now I have an old Jio number, which I want to use in this Jiophone. It does not have any current packs, and I want to utilise Amazon flash offer of 75 to accumulate 75 rs packs in this old Jio SIM of mine, which i want to use in the jiophone. The shop guy asked me to keep the new sim running at least for 10 days, and then insert the old sim.
I want to know :
1. Can I remove the new jio sim which came with the jiophone and start using my old jio instantly, right now?
2. If no, can i accumulate 75 rs packs in the old jio sim which i want to use with the jiophone, without inserting it in the jiophone, bcoz the flash offer will run till 9 pm only.
3. Can i use both SIMs as and when required in the same jiophone, without affecting plans of either SIMs.
I would appreciate a quick reply.
Got In One Account.
Vu. Thanks.
Bhai when i open this link it is not showing me offer in Amazon app
started showing in all accounts now
2 mins to go
Anyone got cb?
Nope no cashback received yet
Live now
recharged n received cashback…
1 st or 2nd recharge of the month?
Is there any collect offer button to be clicked to be eligible?
Please anyone reply
1st transaction of the month
Idea Recharge Of 79 Gives 64 TT
So Does This TT Has 28 Days Validity Or Lifetime ?
Same doubt for voda and airtel some1 pl clarify
Note:- showing 1st transaction of the month. But Got cashback for 2nd transaction (same dth recharged before 3pm also)
Recharged and Received Cashback 🤑 HA+
TC says 1st transaction, but it’s working on 2nd transaction as well
when you did the first transaction for Rs 25. Before 3pm or after?
This is my 2nd transaction on dec. Will i get cashback
What’s the jiophone minimum unlimited plan in place of 49?? I did with 75 recharge but it failed
75 ka kaun sa recahrge hai
Those who have recharged today and confused due to first transaction thing
I recharged today monthly cashback and now flash sale got the cashback for both.
It was showing cb at payment? This offer not showing in my acc anyway
Recharge with two account and get instant cashback on 2nd recharge of month…..
It isnt showing cb at payment.. so i will ignore .. i did 1st rchage of month alreddy.. it will 2nd today
Same here. It’s not showing in payment page. But got 75 INR cashback instant
Thanks to @deepak.mailbox896 …
Voted UP & Kg
Recharged my Tatasky with Rs 75 from my primary amazon account & Received Cashbackafter 5 minutes. 😃😃
I did not receive cashback for tata sky dth recharge, although offer showing in my account
Got cashback on 2nd transaction of this month
when did you recharged 1st one, today or dec 1 or 2nd, I done first recharge on 2nd Dec, but todays recharge i have not received CB 45mis over
You will get the CB for second Tx only if u did the First Tx today before 3pm (Based on previous similar sales)
So if u had recharged before this month (Like on Dec 1/2/3.. like me), don’t try again
its upto not FLAT 75
my bad, sorry to all
I have question, if we are not Amazon Prime User, also do we get cashback of Rs 75 ?
There is no question of non-prime or prime. If offer shows to you, simply do Transaction & get cashback 100% upto 75.
Not showing in any account.
Can i recharge 3 month new plan with main balance in Vodafone?
Recharge via balance not active in Vodafone now.
As per their cs they are updating it and soon will be available.
@Ash YES … jio recharges via main balance are working