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Amazon: Making India Awesome: New Essays and Columns at Rs.  39  || Lightning Deal

Amazon: Making India Awesome: New Essays and Columns at Rs. 39 || Lightning Deal

78% OFF 176.0

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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LOL seesm no noe is interested every week it’s coming at 39. https://cdn1.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_smile.gif

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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every alternate day https://cdn2.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_toungueout.gif,not a good deal

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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@saymyname wrote: ..seesm no noe is interested every week it’s coming at 39…

despite my averseness to Shaitaan Bhagat, I am seriously contemplating ordering it (as a gift to someone), thanks to a mini review by @प्लेटो saar.

But I still do not get it, why the Darya Ganj (books/ publishing industry cluster of India) located Rupa, would send it to /or print it in Timbaktoo (or wherever) and then “import” it. [ amazon.in/dp/8129137429 always reads: Paperback Import.. unless it is like https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6huZIiKkfEU/VuVSYqVw... sent abroad and imported as scrap/ raddi and sold at diskont]

also https://cdn3.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_sad.gif https://links.desidime.com?ref=forums&url=https://i.imgur.com/N0yIa2H.png

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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& Thus @Spock https://cdn1.desidime.com/Placeholders/post-images-loader.gif

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Thank u..used hike amazon GC https://cdn1.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_smile.gif

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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@Spock wrote:

@saymyname wrote: ..seesm no noe is interested every week it’s coming at 39…

despite my averseness to Shaitaan Bhagat, I am seriously contemplating ordering it (as a gift to someone), thanks to a mini review by @प्लेटो saar.

This time it is free shipping…filler may be ?

Entertainer Entertainer
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Raju pe Devi https://cdn1.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_biggrin.gif

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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by the way: your user-name reminds me of Prahlad Mataji

@Rajudevi wrote: This time it is free shipping…filler may be ?
yes sire, it is. [FBA orders of books are always without any logistical charges, that (book bijnaas) was what they started with and will always be favouring with pesal treatment].

@Raju Devi i hardly ever use fillers by the way https://cdn2.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_wink.gif [pre-orders or orders of ‘certain’ things in certain quantities that system auto-rejects usually are it!]

i have long intended to buy either a VFM thermo-steel flask or some http://www.amazon.in/s/ref=sr_nr_p_76_1?fst=as%... and to date not able to close down, as at-least 4-5 reviews on each and every of these (including Tapraware) speaks of smell due to material (polymer) disintegration or of broken or leaky caps.

and even @Karji Torl is not halpfull. Just keeps slipping in dua-salaam :-/

@CrazyTroll wrote:& Thus @Spock

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In case if anyone missed and want to buy it, tomorrow it will be available at Rs. 39 (speculated) again at 10AM

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