not trustworthy

Deal Newbie

Last 3 orders were shipped to gwalior instead on Balaghat MP. For more than a month the issue is not resolved and order not yet delivered. Upon cancelling rs 30 has been deducted ? This is disgusting. Flipkart was not able to deliver the order for almost a month !! And still you see it reasonable to deduct cancellation fee on customer's prepaid order ?

Issue a complete refund as Flipkart has not delivered orders for more than a month, otherwise I logged complaint with Flipkart, no response even after 10 followup calls. Their Call centre agents would just disconnect the call. This is such a disgrace . This is my last order with FLipkart. Seems you guys are highly unmanaged now and could not track the huge customer base. And their higher executives are just drawing salary with 0 focus on operational quality.

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