How to increase the OTP floating notification timeout?


Say I am in a payment page and entered my payment details, I then receive an OTP which I also get in the form of a floating notification (I guess that's what its called).


Sometimes even before I could read the number and enter the OTP, the notification vanishes. I then have to open messaging app, read the OTP, get back to the app where I needed to enter the OTP. Its a PITA and in some apps, this back and forth causes it to refresh the payment page and I loose the entire transaction and have to start afresh.

Is there a way to increase this floating notification time, so that it stays on the screen for a longer duration?

I am using Microsoft SMS Organizer.

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Community Angel Community Angel
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Not sure which device you are using, but dont u read that from drop down directly rather than visiting sms organizer. Not sure if any overlay settings is there with timer. 

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By floating notification (I might be using the wrong terminology), below is what I meant. And it looks like its a Microsoft SMS Organizer feature. It is a very useful feature to me, but it vanishes to soon for me.

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Benevolent Benevolent
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In supported apps there should be an option to auto fill the code if you tap on the box to enter OTP. Works for Google Messages and the AOSP messaging app. Also there’s an option to copy the OTP right in the notification itself.

I switched out from Microsoft SMS Organizer long back when they stripped out the ability to copy OTPs. They responded to my query in this regard that it was a MIUI restriction completely disregarding that all my Xiaomi devices run AOSP-based custom ROMs only where no such restriction apply.

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They would be checking based on device prop name
This is another reason I don’t like miui devices for personal use. They do unnecessary changes

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Benevolent Benevolent
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Simple solution if you aren’t on a ROM from a Chinese OEM which tend to massively deviate from AOSP guidelines at times:

Settings>Accessibility>Time to take action (Accessibility timeout)

Edit: A10 and later. Not all apps are supported.

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Awesome! That’s precisely the setting that controls it. Now I can sleep in peace. Thanks man. 👍🏼

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