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Can a whole family survive in 500


Is it possible? Poverty itself set at 14$ that roughly equates to 1100 rs.

remember there is no other source of income
what can u get in 500?

through DBT one female person (assuming mother) will receive 500rs / month

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Generous Generous
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U do realize u can survive on 24kg+10kg(+pulses) of groceries (parents) and free gas right?
And most of them have other benefits from state and central government as well. Thanks to DBT from Modi, they get to keep all of it unlike before.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Whatever government has done its freebies, it was not due or GOI was not bound to take any actions
It is Goodwill gesture to give helping hand to less fortunate people

Criticizing each and every step won’t make anything better

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Whatever government has done its freebies, it was not due or GOI was not bound to take any actions
It is Goodwill gesture to give helping hand to less fortunate people

Criticizing each and every step won’t make anything better

Like Magnet Like Magnet
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Yeah Right,

Here country is in trouble, and govt is giving full support, trying their best,

And people’s always critcize

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Generous Generous
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U do realize u can survive on 24kg+10kg(+pulses) of groceries (parents) and free gas right?
And most of them have other benefits from state and central government as well. Thanks to DBT from Modi, they get to keep all of it unlike before.

Critic Critic
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What groceries? one will receive 10kg of rice plus one kg of pulses, for a month
Assuming a family of four, consumption would be 1kg rich n 100gm of pulses per day, so it would would last for 10 days max.
Since not everyone poses a bpl card, no free gas either. I mean the pani puri wala, pakoda, juice wala, drivers, waiters, labours,mechanic, helpers….

So if one spend that 500 (from DBT off course, which only a “female” is entitled to) to buy subsidized cylinder, the household is practically left with nothing

How would one survive for 30 days?

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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NO Water electric bill no house hold helper services
in villages people get veggies and other thing for free

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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They used to but not anymore. But they pay less, because they earn less.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I know many of rich ladies who have dhanjhan account. And many of who don’t earn anything have no bank account.

So who will get benefited?

And 2ndly local councillor have rights who will get 5kg free rice… And they providing it to relatives.

Still no proper relief system in India.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Whatever government has done its freebies, it was not due or GOI was not bound to take any actions
It is Goodwill gesture to give helping hand to less fortunate people

Criticizing each and every step won’t make anything better

Critic Critic
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What do mean not due. They failed to stop international flights. so have to lock down, due to which everyone lost their income

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Blogger Blogger
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every one pays either direct tax or indirect tax

no escape from poor to rich

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@gauravnandwanii hey man, apologies If I sounded very harsh in my words, that was not the intention.

Generous Generous
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Thank you for showcasing the world your real face. Poor people and newly into the middle class people like me would call out on your bs.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Read this if you can @Harish.agarwal
All countries listed had closed their borders in and around March 15 and some of them still not. Being a developing country India too was watching closely the development around the world related to this and cannot just shut down everything leaving a high impact on aviation industry too. In addition to that it had to bring back its citizens from affected countries which doesn’t happen in a day or two because of restrictions in other countries at the same time. Then there were several foreigners in India as well. Had to take their departure into the consideration as well. Then there are several other intricate things like import and export of important things on which also employment of several people is dependent. Later closure become unavoidable, no other way.
Last if you are looking for critic badge it is soon on your way.

Critic Critic
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Later closure become unavoidable no other way
LOL thank you smile

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Any what’s your point? He’s the one who’s implying govt should have banned flights much earlier, without any data, besides aren’t you the one among many others who’re saying we have many many more patients by now than just the ones being reported? Btw I agree with the part about a much larger number being infected, but you nor Mr. Harish have demonstrated how we could have stopped or slowed the infection without shutting the country down at least 2 months back? And when it comes to shutdown we’ve also had threads pop up about civil liberties, freedom of speech yada yada yada so why the irony or disconnect between your words & apparent plan of action?

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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LOL..Confusion always
A speculation for a speculation is the right approach according to you? smile
..his speculation can be proved and is right based on the already confirmed cases in India + the 14 day incubation period but not yours …and here you are making blanket statements in thin air like “China did hide” “They knew this much before” “They didn’t allow WHO” while the only way to prove your theory is “When chinese admitting itsmile

I am not that hater..i am this hater but i am not the one with so called magical powers like the one who said this smile
// he guy’s a known hater, about stopping international flights does he even know that the spread started way back in Nov 2019 & China hid this for 2 full months till Jan 2020 //

Based on whatever i posted here in this platform..I never demanded flights from Jan end least get your facts right before pointing your fingers at someone
Banning someone at that time is no different that..“Panic buying just because PM is about to make an announcement”
They could’ve done it from February third week (The oldest travel history i’ve noticed based on the information of the +ve cases ~600 ~900) and from March 5/6 (Majority of my posts have/had this reference!) at least when the new cases started getting IDed +ve from India but it did not happen

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Speculation about what exactly?

The incubation period isn’t just up to 14 days, it’s quite a range so can be more than 14 days & in fact as much as 24 days

The first reported case was likely back in Nov 17 →

Do you want me to link up articles about how the Hubei doctors were silenced likely even permanently?

The Chinese will never admit anything, if that’s your train of thought good luck waving your hands in the air because I’m not biting!

I’ve got no idea what you’re saying, except the only real way to stop the virus entering India was to ban all flights before our patent zero arrived → that is impractical, not feasible & nearly impossible. If you’ve got any other bright ideas besides banning millions from entering or leaving India, when in fact the true scope of the crisis was not known, then hey light it up?

I’m talking about Harish’s idea in this thread & I’m sure I can find a reference or two from your post history about floating such an idea. Though it’s another pointless back & forth which I’ll avoid.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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FYI_1 don’t wannna believe chinese because they’re chinese
yet here you are..citing chinese outdated* researches as your references for a possibility of incubation period being 24days and not 14days while the majority of the researches from many countries (including WHO) suggest that the incubation period is upto 14 days?

Again First case? Likely?

Again..when you want to point fingers at least know they have/had said first I I never said/demanded complete ban on International Flights (not even one post here). Quarantine millions of people? Seriously? How could you even believe this before asking someone facts about its possibility laughing
The only practical possibility was to ban all the travellers coming from the major affected countries like UK,Italy,France,Germany,UK,Spain & couple more. While we suspended the travel link with china completely, we never banned travellers from the other countries until March 22

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Oh GOD, at times like this I really wish really DD had a ignore list rolleyes

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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This is the much required wish
As many here post wishes/speculations/rumors as Facts smile
I don’t understand why can’t people shut their mouths..when they know nothing yet want to involve in discussions,debates & allegations ?

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Critic Critic
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My 2 cents:

1. Govt did made mistake regarding early shutdown but then it was not alone,many western nations did the same mistake.

2. Govt did mishandle the situation because it is not having experts at the right places. Biggest example of this is the current health minister who once commented that eating carrots can cure Delhi pollution & once quoted a fake news which said Stephen Hawking once said theory in vedas is superior to Enistein’s E=mc2. I don’t know about others but I personally don’t feel comfortable knowing such a person is in charge of the entire health ministry of a country in such times.

3. It is not possible to say India’s general population will ever abide by any logical rule which does create short term difficulties for long term gains so whatever the situation some portion of blame has to be shared by population.

4. This situation would have been no different had any other govt was there,accept this reality & only then there is some hope for future. India’s entire political system needs a reboot.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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WHO OR UN all are failed org. time has come that they must be dismantle
they are bloody blood suckers of poor
just find out there administration exp that is whopping 60% off total contribution

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Those who has to talk politics now please go to the political section in DD. In this time of emergency all govt. doing their best. We must support govt. now instead of criticising. People who are criticising current govt here, seems like they think if their favourable party was is power, everything would have done very smoothly. Well no, history suggests that, no govt is perfect. So stop being like that and keep doing your part to overcome this crisis. Once we get out the crisis, you will have ample amount of time do politics. Now is not the right time.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Talking about govt/management is not politics (Based on the factual information out there*)
Even the government wants your suggestions on how things should and shouldn’t have done (Someone recently posted a official govt website..taking/requesting suggestions from people on how to tackle COVID-19 at least on paper)
And people don’t think if some other government is in power right now..they would’ve/could’ve done much better than what the current government is doing right now (Show me one reference where people taking other party names who contest loksabha elections) (If you’re getting this thought in your mind..then you’re being/acting more political than the majority here)
Everyone is concerned about the welfare of the people..doing their part in educating/helping others with right information and may be some help (masks, sanitizers/hadwash or even food) to people living in your society/neighbourhood at a time of crisis..“If you think govt can see/hear everything and whatever they do is more than enough..then you are doing nothing!”

PS: For perfect political refernces ..visit political section!

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Critic Critic
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Abi Maan ki baat me pm ka pravchan chalu hai, thodi there me mahabharat chalu hogi. Hawa khao, ghar me raho, govt ke gun gayo. no complain pls👍

aaye, pravachan dekhiye, Dan peti me Dan kijeye

Blogger Blogger
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wah modi ji wah

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Some information on covid19

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Why is this even called Infomation?
Replace the XYZ youtuber (dependant on third party news/rumours/speculations) with the dimers criticizing the government/management because of their inability/ignorance/delay in action resulting in 1000+ positive cases & ~25 deaths
And WHO with Indian Govt/PM/Management
There is Zero difference and how come you are offended with one thing but not the other?

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Helpful Helpful
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Open you eyes, please don’t waste your time in blaming the system and each other.
People will die and you won’t be able to do anything.
Lockdown is expected for 3 months.
As we progress further, situations will become more worse.
Please use this valuable time and prepare for upcoming crisis.
If possible, make connections in your apartments/societies so that you can face and survive this crisis in large group.
If you are planning to go on individual basis, it may hurt you in long run.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I asked to not blame any govt now and help each other why it is offending you so much.. I failed to understand.. smile

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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What… The F!

Ever hear of right to live and Right to food among others?

I’m sorry to say either  you  come from a very privileged family or don’t understand how a functional democracy works.

You don’t let your citizen starve ( to death)

You don’t take decisions which forces people to either starve to death in large cities or walk hundreds of kilometres to their home.

But yes Modi government is trying to cope with this crisis ( slowly and reactively) And it definitely can’t give everyone 5000 even they wanted to. We ( indian exchequer)  just don’t have that kind of money.

Is  Modi government responsible for this pandemic in India?

No. China and incompetent  WHO are.

But If government had taken action earlier they would have been able slowed the infection growth.

Do We need to allocate more funds towards Director Transfer of benefits schemes.  Yes. But Unfortunately… RBI probably  does not have so much now.. We have bigger concerns right now.

But there are other ways to help out those in need. Like increasing ration.

Is criticism of government wrong?
No. We still live in a democracy last time I checked. If criticism is baseless government can counter it through information and valid argument.

Blogger Blogger
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bas karo bhai ab bahut hua samman

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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I am done here : P
If he still has questions about my personal psyche..why/how/when i react to comments, he @asen will ping me smile

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@MJ911 move this to political section. People are only talking abt politics or lock their thread

Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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Some saying not to criticize decisions. Then why to praise such decisions?
Some saying not to praise decisions. Then why to criticize such decisions?
Double standard people giving double standard opinions for double sided item/things.

Ohh wait every coin has two faces.
Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Praise the good.. & criticize the bad, constructive criticism is much needed in any field which is why instant action/reaction happens whenever something serious is being reported on news channels
I dunno if this is same everywhere..but majority of the delayed community work by BBMP (here in bengaluru) is done because of constant social media criticism (via Community twitter pages : We have one for every major region)

Edit: This came from me 15 days back (those who are blindly supporting govt right now would’ve been much happier if they had seen this)..when i was living under an assumption that there in mandatory quarantine in-place for the international travellers (coming from Italy,Spain,Germany,France,UK….) but our so called officials ended up just advising “Self Quarantine” to travelers (until March 22) resulting in 90% more cases in 2 weeks (Thanks to the other ignorant travelers)

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