Please share your views on Political and Social section topics:
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Discussion on Political Section topics and posts

Pro Community Angel

This thread is to discuss openly on the few scenarios given in poll
Everyone are welcomed to share their opinions on this regard.
We will conclude on the final results and hopefully we will try to implement the best method based on valuable feedbacks.
Kindly avoid any personal debates or arguments in this thread and keep it strictly to suggestions and what we can ban/control

Top Comments
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Only privileged people who are unaffected by whichever party is in power don’t want any kind of political discussion. We need to be politically aware, need to talk hard truths, need to show mirror to people whether they really like their country or a particular party

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Political section must exist in my opinion but simply the religion related topics be deleted.

Its better to see people debating on economic policies rather than H vs M
Religious threads should be limited to wishing each other on respective festivals

Budding Star Budding Star
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I think, political section should exist without religion/caste based topics & discussions. Conversations/discussion about politics should be productive and healthy.

24 Dimers
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Only privileged people who are unaffected by whichever party is in power don’t want any kind of political discussion. We need to be politically aware, need to talk hard truths, need to show mirror to people whether they really like their country or a particular party

Critic Critic
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Removing it completely would be the best option from mods perspective as this forum/site is intended for deals & discounts not such discussions but as mentioned above it is a drastic step only to be used as a last resort. Another option to consider is maybe allow only VIP badge holders(or deal captain & above) to create a thread in political section.
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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With comments like this you are forcing me to use strong words against you. Brain doesn't comes with money or in this case dimes and karma points.
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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Political section must exist in my opinion but simply the religion related topics be deleted.

Its better to see people debating on economic policies rather than H vs M
Religious threads should be limited to wishing each other on respective festivals

Budding Star Budding Star
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I think, political section should exist without religion/caste based topics & discussions. Conversations/discussion about politics should be productive and healthy.

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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I too believe the same, but that’s not feasible as politics here is religion and caste based. neutral_face Keechad lagega hi..

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Only thing I never understand why ppl are so sensitive to politicians? In the end all politicians are politician only. Greedy, manipulative, criminal and lier etc.. Period.

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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There are some people here who are just being respectful to their employers, any sane and employed person would never give a damn to fight for political parties without any vested interest.

Generous Generous
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Sab allow kro based on facts.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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The truth.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Sure, if admins want people to fight about “how my caste/religion is better than yours”, they should allow topics based on religion and caste.

This way they won’t get bored as every now and then they’ll have to look for someone violating DD rules for discussing Religion/caste.

Entertainer Entertainer
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People don’t know what their Great Grandparent and their forefathers did but they talk of religions with so much surety & belief as if they were there witnessing every God’s action and its subsequent incarnation. Toh bhalaai aap ki isi mein hai aise logon ka bhram bana rahne dein aur aap apne kaam pe dhyaan dein. Behas ke aage Been there done that karne ka koi faayda nahin

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In my opinion political section should be included.. but everything should be clean and not to hurt anyone sentiments.
As we are aam janta and we necessarily need a healthy discussion.
DD is now more than a deal related forum , so those are ONLY interested in deals can surely look on hot deals section and other trading sections
🙃 Thanks

Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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In my opinion avoid cast, religious topics.
There should be healthy discussion on politics without defaming the other person.
There are 3-4 people on DD who actively propagate their propaganda without any facts. So if those people continue their agenda then give them warning and after 3rd warning warning suspend them permanently.
If a comment flagged by 5-6 dimers then that dimer should get warning.
Another suggestion – if a dimer create any thread then that OP should be responsible for the discussion. That OP should tag moderators if someone violate the rules.
Baki facts per bat karo maja ayega discuss karne me sunglasses

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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The thing is this forum is populated with doomed ducks. They believe they can change the narrative which is not the case. People of India and on the forum are more than aware and understand their strategy. people like me are vocal because I we want to show them their reality.. I don’t believe in gandhi I believe in president Trueman.

Critic Critic
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Btw you just supported my point, some one who thinks he knows everyone on this forum well enough to proclaim “this forum is populated with doomed ducks” is exactly the kind of member @admin should not allow to create new thread in political section. Btw Gandhi’s legacy will remain far long in to the future(every few decades there will be some Martin Luther King who will list him as their inspiration) while Trueman will only be taught in history classes as the first person in the world to give order to use Nuclear weapons.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Disable “tags” in political section and allow them both
Only those who voluntarily visit the political section will check/comment in those threads and the rest will ignore (Majority)

If possible.. do consider restricting the length of OP to couple of lines (~5) in those wishes threads (D&D) too. While the intentions may be genuine, there’s a possibility of unnecessary discussion/debate over multiple faiths here

+ Dimers need a reminder on what’s allowed/not in D&D to avoid political/religious topics/posts being posted here.
Allow only official announcements from Govt and articles from reputed sources
Warning is must for those who intentionally convert threads into political/religious debates.
No Trigger keywords in D&D.
If some dimer is seen personally targeting another dimer over political/religious differences, then temp suspension

Helpful Helpful
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Allow discussion for Politics/ Religion/ Social Topics but only in relevant section ie. only in

Completely ban such discussion anywhere else including in regular Dost & Dimes section.

Analyst Analyst
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Until a few years ago I did not know there were different kinds of Muslims and I grew up in the middle east.. Until long after I got married I did know there was different kinds of Christians, even those who go to the same church depending on which disciple baptized them and then there is east and west and all the others in between… Until a couple of years ago I had no idea about castes even though I kept hearing about it.

Even though I believe in equality and consider everyone the same even rich/poor… I find out I am not equal to others and have to be buried far out in the desert away from anything..So even in death I am an inferior being..

And this is not even considering gender and bias..

I dont think DD is a place to discuss such things but it is unavoidable.. Since so much of life depends on it there is no avoiding it even if you dont care about it. All you can do is discourage people. So if you cant avoid it better to protest in a closed off small area where you can vent..

Critic Critic
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Voted for 3rd option, of complete removal of the political section. We don’t want filthy discussions upon filthy beings. If you are to retain the political section though caste/ religion should also remain. I mean caste/ religion is the very essence of politics anyway without it it would be redundant.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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I wonder what my dear DnD friend @badkarma has to say about this.

His silence is heart breaking. Afterall, his career is at stake here.

Community Angel Community Angel
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Ye @badkarma ke kukarmo ka hi phal hai

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I dont think you can change people’s perception about anything. Some people are blind supporters and grab any chance to abuse others not subscribing to their political thinking. DD is largely occupied by AAP supporters. Some of them start threads with something just to instigate the political discussion out of nowhere. There is one such discussion is already going on. The topic is Indian Railway has decided to change paint of coaches at the cost of Rs.60 Lakh/Coach !! Check out the thread and you will see how the political hatred is being played without quoting any authentic source wink

People dont do political discussion only to advance their political affiliation and try to prove that their affiliation is best. The free-thinking people are pushed to wall and they also end up taking sides. Effectively, it is useless to discuss it.

Community Angel Community Angel
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Wanted to choose option 2 bet chosen option 3 accidentally
Religion related topics should be banned on desidime

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Reasons why should one involve in political discussions:

a) Government and politics impacts nearly every aspect of our lives.
b) Having knowledge of politics helps make you an informed voter.

I believe everyone (specially our youth) need to be more aware about the different perspective of political scenarios about India and World as well, that will help them in many ways to understand, guide and decide about their precious votes.

Regarding political discussions in this forum.. I don’t see why this is a problem. Yes, it’s indeed a problem to the admin team, but again we have lots of other miniscule issues handled by them and I don’t think these discussions are any greater than that, unless the team itself is biased towards a particular party/ ideology or may have different opinions regarding the same (or we make it seems bigger than it actually is). But, a point to note.. not ALL come here for deals. That’s an additional bonus.. and this makes DD one unique place in the whole internet shopping arena till date as no other sites have made THIS much efforts to handle things in a detailed manner. I wholeheartedly thank pray the management team and the admins/ mods to every contributor for making it alive to its spirit since inception.. so that we can know why it’s addictive. sunglasses

I have shared my opinion above regarding the discussions here. Why only political.. I believe ALL discussions must bear that sense of maturity and respect towards the fellow individual irrespective of their rank or position here. But, sadly many instances of targetting and mud-slinging to any fellow dimers (due to whatsoever reason) disturbed the harmony of this place. I’ve seen teenage users act more mature than age old folks, when it comes to political/ religious arguments. Sadly admins failed to keep the balance between extreme groups most of the time (resulting leaving of many prolific dimers) as they don’t feel responsible enough to create/ join such nuisances for obvious reasons. In this way, this knowledge sharing informative place shall turn to only referral exchange place one day.. just like any other sites.

Those who are responsible for why this thing is so complicated now, mostly not here or may be silent onlookers (I’m very much disappointed since then). But, we all can make this place “useful for all” by showing our level of maturity and sensibility towards others everywhere in this forum. Politically motivated people need to get that sense of maturity very much in mind while dealing with their opponents, some casual jokes might help lower the tension. NAME-CALLING is a strict NO! Admins warned about the same numerous times. Besides, some by-products of IT cells forget many times that they are not going to get paid for the posts made here. That’s only for FB/ Twitter.

Another issue here I have noticed is misuse of “hurting someone’s feelings” card. I name them butthurts. I have noticed people discussing very rude among each other, making fun of each other and then suddenly someone gets triggered and says something about other’s beliefs/ party and voila.. the other is now ready with “hurting my feelings” card and there are many supporters to join that butthurt.. to flag others comment.. to ban that guy.. calling admins and demanding to remove those butthurt comments. Is that thing you call maturity? Are you that shallow to let your belief system imbalanced by someone’s remark? If you can, try to put forth your reasons/ points supporting your stand. Else, just ignore it and move on. But, No.. “I need to teach him some lessons” brings back the “feeling hurt” card. To be very frank, we have majority of dimers here from Hindu community. So, if anyone says something about the other community or challenges others belief system, nobody bats an eye, do not stop him but support his comments.. and while doing so towards them, ahh.. we are all mass hurt. “Remove the political section at once”. Why?? Is this how you want your democracy to survive?? You want different rules for different people??

I cannot thank the admin team enough specially @MJ911 for getting involved in such petty things (political ones) for long long time. This is not your IT cell playing field.. nor any religious battlefield.. that you need to win by any means. If you can put your shallow alter ego to the place that deserves and come to discuss things here in friendly manner (how high, how low doesn’t matter.. but within urself) then it’s okay, else keep yourself limited to deal posts. Leave these discussions for those who can handle it appropriately (yes you can always like their comments as visitors). Pls spare the admins from doing the sin of banning you than self guided through “I can’t handle more than I can speak” path and enjoy your stay in DD.

Cheers to all..


Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Labeling opposing view as IT cell is a clear demonstration of maturity. Bravo

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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Thanks for all the votes given to this poll. smile

So Options 1 and 2 are tied… Even dimers couldn’t come to a decisive conclusion rolleyes

We will check on dimers feedbacks and replies in this thread and check internally regarding this subject and update accordingly.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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if people here are so fragile (or immature) that even a list of who all voted on one’s topic has to be kept secret.
↿THIS↾ is how the management sees most or some of us here, then why at all to put such question to debate (or poll)?

trading section was never scrapped precisely possibly because it was felt that the section was an intrinsic need for continued ‘user engagement’.
usually THE SAME users who bring most traction to the main businesses of the companies that operate Zingoy and Desidime🙂 are also most active in the trading section.

if similar hypothesis is applied to socioeconomic debates, religious debates or the ones (Dimers) who engage in such discussions and debates, then the management can decide on their own, whether such forks (or expansion/dilution) of the forum would have an overall positive material impact.

as such, it is a bit surprising that despite a dedicated section: most (if not all) religious/social wishes topics are started in Dost and Dimes (even by ______ ).
All topics to greet on religious, cultural festival occasions are ideally suited in a culture sub-forum, if one has it. else in the social sub-section.

Per se, i do not really see any direct need or even use of ‘core’ religion based discussions.
but discussing culture, in my view, should be okay.
To give an example, the festivities of Navroj (Nowruz) are pretty broad-based in Persia, Tajikistan and nearby areas.
People there do not associate it with religion, as much as with common culture.
Thus, for many Tajiks, Persians
‘Nowruz’ is a symbol of their identity NOT as from xyz personal belief/faith but the identity of being Persian/ geographic roots.

Cultural discussions are still somewhat constructive, positive.
Also, culture (i feel) is always bigger and religion type hocus-pocus is subservient to ‘culture’.
again, an example for the same;
Islam seems to have originated in the Arabian Peninsula and the word for prayer, is salāt/salāh.
The word ‘namaaz’ was being used in Persia EVEN BEFORE the Prophet was born.
People in Central and South Asia (regions close to Persia) still continue to associate and use the word ‘namaaz’ for prayers.

thusly, i feel that a generic identity of us identifying with a culture or learning/ talking about cultures is okay.

but then one has to exercise their own caution and conclude; as to when a debate or talk veers into the realms of libelous names-calling, bigotry…. all in the name of race, ethnicity, sect, religion.

Religious one-upmanship as also mudslinging/ names-calling are BOTH so silly, uncalled for and futile that they should not have any space in any sane society.

off late, here in this forum, surprisingly only select few (example: @bikidas2060 , @badkarma ) err on the side of caution and start even simple topics like xyz cultural leader jayanti topics in the political and social section.

whatever is decided, inherently people (members) have to exercise restraint, have maturity. and if not that, then a more responsive but accepting moderation is called for/ would be called for.

and then again, resources are always finite, so one would have to prioritise.
even if there are a dozen or two forum hands, but this being a ‘for profit’ business, their time and efforts are better utilised in writing blogrticles, engaging users via games, content curating and organising deals/ curated content for deals… then how far is it viable, practical to babysit hormonal kids or misguided souls? is a question best addressed by the direct financial investors and management.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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also, the likes of @goss8877 @nofpd @Achilles @hese @TronGalaxy and others, usually dissociated themselves from active participation or tried not to have their views (their views outside of deals or topics about deals) influence those of others.
by their stature, it is likely that anything they say or defend or be critical of… would immediately get lapped up (by all sides on a table/ boxing ring).

to continue to actively voice their views or socialise with others… is a privilege which is assumed to have been surrendered (if not lost) in a way.
those (example: DS) who would rather not lose those liberties tried to stay away from officially taking up the forum’s administrative and/or moderation duties.

not intending to put the spotlight on anyone or hurt anybody’s sentiments.
edit: okay, i think i should wipe out the tags/names, as i missed to realise that some of them are actually mainly for moderating and editing hot deals/ deals (and not actively moderating or meant to moderate other sections).
@R0417 @iud @Censuresh @deb3l @Mayavi

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